MTW Research have
published a brand new “DIY Retailers Market Rank & Profile”
Report for 2008, providing a strategic market overview, DIY
Retailer rankings and company profiles in a unique, easy to
use and cost effective publication. The market report is now
available to purchase immediately.
Based on actual sales returns, this
new report reviews market performance from 2004 with
forecasts to 2012 providing an accurate overview of the DIY
market in recent years, coupled with forecasts to 2012. The
report also provides sales estimates for each company,
alongside rankings and key performance indicators, providing
a comprehensive overview of the industry. Contact and
mailing details are also provided, resulting in an effective
sales and marketing tool whilst also offering excellent
value for money.
The 80+ Page Report Includes:-
DIY Retail Market
Sales and Profit Value & Trends 2004-2012
DIY Retail Market
Total Worth 2004-2012 & Trends
DIY Retailers Industry
Assets & Borrowing 2004-2012
DIY Industry Averages -
Sales Turnover, Net Worth, Profitability, Debt, Assets
UK DIY Retailers
Ranked by Sales, Profit, Assets & Net Worth
Financial Profile for
each Retailer, including an 'at a a glance'
financial health chart
Full Mailing Details
& Senior Decision Maker Contacts Provided for
Each Company.
UK DIY Retail Market 2004-2012

The companies identified in the report
(defined as the market) are estimated to achieve sales of just over £7.9
billion in 2008, reflecting varied performance due to a number of key
market influences. The report provides market forecasts to 2012
for a number of key performance indicators for the UK DIY market,
including sales, profitability and industry value.
Key Benefits of this Brand New
Report Include:-
Gain a Good Understanding
of Recent, Current & Future DIY Market
Identify and
Target New Clients & Develop Effective
Sales Strategies to Increase Market Share.
Quickly and Cost
Effectively Develop Sales Leads and Focus your Marketing
Identify the Ranking,
Performance and Financial Health of the
Leading Companies in the DIY Market.
Understand Recent,
Current and Future Sales and Profitability
The report represents a comprehensive yet
cost effective tool for understanding the performance of the UK DIY
market and the key players active in the industry. Based on actual
sales returns & written specifically for manufacturers, retailers and
distributors, this easy to use, independent market research report
represents an invaluable yet cost effective tool for any company active
in the UK DIY industry.

Key Features of this 80+ Page
Total Market Sales
2004-2007, Forecasts to 2012 with Trend Tracking.
Total Market
Profitability 2004-2007, Forecasted to 2012 for DIY
Retail Market with Trends.
Total Assets, Debts & Net
Worth for the DIY Market from 2004 to 2012
DIY Market 'Averages'
2004-2012 for Turnover, Profit, Net Worth, Assets etc.
The DIY Retailers Ranked
by Sales Turnover 2007
- sales estimates for every company to determine
market share - a unique approach only from MTW
Each Company Ranked by
Profit Estimates 2007
Ranked by Combined
Current & Fixed Assets in 2007
Industry Position by Net
Worth -
Determine market share by net worth as well as sales
turnover to give a more accurate illustration of the
Ranking by Number of
Full Postal Address &
Senior Decision Maker Contact for Every Company
Company Type (e.g. PLC '
Ltd etc), Brief Official Description of Activities
3 Years Balance Sheet
with Debtors Value, Assets, Liabilities & Net Worth
Turnover Estimated for
Every Company -
including smaller
organisations not required to submit returns.
Profitability Included
for Each Company
- Estimated where not reported
Number of Employees
- Estimated
where not reported.
Comprehensive Data
Spreadsheet & Multi-Use Mailing List, including...
Full Company Name and
Registered Postal Address
Senior Decision Maker /
Director Contact
Company Type,
Incorporation Date, Brief Description of Activities
3 Year Turnover & Profit
Where Reported
Balance Sheet, Assets,
Liabilities & Net Worth, Number of Employees

The Report Offers:-
With the report providing a Strategic Market Overview
including averages, a Ranking section and a more detailed
Profile section, the depth and range of analysis provides a
comprehensive overview of the market’s performance,
individual company performance and estimated ranking for
each company in the report.
Market size for revenue and industry value is provided from
2004 through to 2012, enabling a fast understanding of the
key trends in the industry and likely future prospects,
facilitating fast strategic sales and marketing planning.
For suppliers to the DIY industry, this report identifies
the market leaders, illustrates their recent performance and
provides contact information in order to enable the reader
to quickly identify and target new, lucrative clients in the
MTW reports are unique in that we have provided a turnover
estimate for every company listed, even smaller and medium
sized companies in order to enable the reader to estimate
market share for every company included in the report.
Key financial data, turnover and profit ranking are provided
for every company listed for the last 3 years, enabling the
reader to quickly and effectively track a company’s
performance in recent years, enabling further SWOT analysis.
MTW’s Rank &
Profile reports don’t bombard you with irrelevant financial
data, they are designed to enable you to engage in fast and
effective strategic market and company analysis. We focus on
providing what’s important in an easy to reference and use
